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We created this webinar series to showcase thought leaders, research, and resources that we hope will help inform and help guide how your school supports every student's social-emotional needs and growth.
Resources Mentioned
(not in slides)
The Teaching Well supports the health and well-being of educators in order to transform school sites.
Lara Kain Consulting
Presentation Resources
Regulation before Education: Strategies for a successful return
Lara Kain & Emily Daniels (May 21 & 22, 2020)
Presentation Resources
Relevant links
2nd Annual Trauma Responsive Schools Conference (virtual), June 1-3rd, Sign up now!
"The Regulated Classroom: "Bottom-Up" Trauma-Informed Teaching" virtual workshop June 8th and 9th.
Emily Daniels, Here This Now
Lara Kain Consulting
Part 2/4 - Responding to behavioral challenges
Presentation Resources
Relevant links
2nd Annual Trauma Responsive Schools Conference (virtual), June 1-3rd, Sign up now!
"The Regulated Classroom: "Bottom-Up" Trauma-Informed Teaching" virtual workshop June 8th and 9th.
Emily Daniels, Here This Now
Lara Kain Consulting
Revisting sandy hook: Strategies to promote school safety
The Bully Project, Making
Caring Common, and Noble.
Resources: Roadmap and "How to Build Empathy and Strengthen Your School Community"
Dr. Will Henson
using trauma-informed care to
enhance behavioral interventions
Ashanti Branch
Ashanti branch
Trauma in boys: Building resilience
through relationships
Using Trauma-informed care to identify & support at-risk students (4 Part series)
Dr. Allison Sampson-Jackson PhD, LCSW, LICSW, CSOTP
Part 1/4 - Recognizing Trauma in Students: A Foundation
Part 2/4 - Responding to behavioral challenges
Part 3/4 - Pro-Active and preventative strategies
Part 4/4 - The Power of Data to build Social Emotional Competence
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