Postive Teacher-Student Relationships
The quality of teacher-student relationships is a better predictor of academic adjustment than other factors.
Read Measures of classroom quality in prekindergarten and children's development of academic, language, and social skills, published in Child Development by Mashburn, A.J., Pianta, R.C., Hamre, B.K., Downer, J.T., Barbarin, O., Bryant, D., Howes, C, et al.
Impact Of Connection
Increased student connection to school decreases absenteeism, fighting, bullying and vandalism while promoting educational motivation, classroom engagement, academic performance, school attendance and completion rates.
Read School Connectedness – Strengthening Health and Education Outcomes for Teenagers, published in the Journal of School Health.
MindMatters, a Whole-School Approach Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing
The objectives are to facilitate exemplary practice in the promotion of whole-school approaches to mental health promotion; develop mental health education resources, curriculum and professional development programs which are appropriate to a wide range of schools, students and learning areas; trial guidelines on mental health and suicide prevention and to encourage the development of partnerships between schools, parents, and community support agencies to promote the mental wellbeing of young people.
Mental Health In Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions Of Students
Up to one in five kids living in the U.S. shows signs or symptoms of a mental health disorder in a given year.
Measuring and monitoring children and young people’s mental wellbeing: A toolkit for schools and colleges
With half of all diagnosable mental health disorders established by the age of 14, there is a strong case to promote children and young people’s mental health. The toolkit aims to raise awareness amongst school and college staff of the range of validated tools that are available to help measure subjective mental wellbeing amongst the student population.
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